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User talk:AdolfoFannin

Iz Anarhopedije, narodne enciklopedije.
Revision as of 02:27, 18 September 2013 by AdolfoFannin (Talk | contribs) (Нова страница: My name is Patrice Rios. I've been out of work for around six months, and I have to maintain my typing and editing skills, or I won't ever get back into the workforce. Als...)

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My name is Patrice Rios. I've been out of work for around six months, and I have to maintain my typing and editing skills, or I won't ever get back into the workforce. Also, staying home all day is starting to drive me a little batty, so I'm looking forward to forcing my brain to work again. Since I'm still really new here, I would really appreciate feedback on anything I might bungle. I guess you can add things on this page and I'll see them? I don't really know how that's done, but I'll get the hang of it after a bit.

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