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The medium category of roasts contains the following levels: City roast and Full City roast. The City roast is a medium brown and the most popular in the United States. This is a great level of medium and perfect for tasting the characteristics of the beans. The Full City is medium dark brown with an occasional oil sheen. The Full City is good for varietal character and showcases bittersweet flavors.
The final category of roasting levels is the dark category. This category contains the following roasts: Vienna, French, Italian and Spanish roasts. Vienna is a moderate dark brown coffee with light surface oil, bittersweet notes, rich caramel-y flavor, and the acidity is muted. French roast dark brown, shiny, burnt undertones and no acidity. Italian is very dark, thin body and commonly used for espresso blends. Spanish roast, the darkest of all, is extremely dark brown, nearly black and very shiny, where charcoal and tar tones dominate these beans. It has a flat and thin body, and is sure to bring some rich and robust notes to the table.